Connect . . . Create . . . Celebrate . . .
WHEN: Saturday, September 26, 2015
- 1:00-3:00pm at the Montclair Public Library, 50 South Fullerton Avenue
- 3:00-5:00pm at the Bellevue Avenue Library, 185 Bellevue Avenue
Join us at either or both locations.
The Montclair Library Friends is officially launching with a community event called Connect . . . Create. . . Celebrate. The Montclair Library Friends will recruit volunteers and build community awareness of, vibrant engagement with, and a passionate advocacy for the Montclair Public Library System. At the launch event, attendees will have the opportunity to be among the first to join the Montclair Library Friends. Annual dues are $10. Attendees can also learn about volunteer opportunities including the Library Ambassador program. According the library director David Hinkley “The Montclair Library Friends extends the reach of the library into the community and strengthens the vitality of all the important services we offer.”
Be there for the exciting launch of this new organization committed to building community awareness of, vibrant engagement with, and passionate advocacy for the Montclair Public Library System. Event is free of charge and open to all. “A terrific team of volunteers, including talented writers, artists, and musicians, have come together to plan this event and we are so excited to celebrate the launch with the community,” said Sarah Brocks, President of the Montclair Library Friends.
For further information, contact Sarah Brocks, President, Montclair Library Friends at or 973-744-0500 ext. 2257. For more information, call (973) 744-0500, or visit
Schedule of Activities for September 26
- 1:00-3:00pm @ Montclair Public Library, 50 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair
- Montclair Community Band members will perform
- “A Poem as Big as a Library” community writing project led by Laurie Lico Albanese and the editors of the Phoenix Literary Journal
- “Stories Off the Page: Folktales from Around the World” told by Gerald Fierst (for ages 4-9
- “Soul Portraits” by Jennifer Levine
- Makerspace Open House in the Children’s library
- Cartoons drawn by Justin Canha
- Passing Notes performance
- Music for Aadvarks - children’s music class
- Library Tour
- 3:00-5:00pm @ Bellevue Avenue Library,185 Bellevue Avenue, Montclair
- Montclair Community Band members will perform
- “Your Story”, life story collage making with Monick David
- Puppet shows by Puppet Time
- Abandon Ship musical performance
- Face Painting
- Library Tour
Founded in 1893, the Montclair Public Library System serves the community of Montclair, New Jersey and surrounding towns through two facilities, the Main Library and the Bellevue Avenue Library. The Montclair Public Library relies on municipal and private funding to offer a host of free educational programs, family events and services seven days a week, changing lives every day through words, ideas, and community connections.
The Montclair Public Library is located at 50 Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ. The Bellevue Avenue Library is located at 185 Bellevue Ave. Upper Montclair, NJ. Main Library hours are Monday through Thursday 10:00am to 8:00pm, Friday and Saturday10:00am to 6:00pm and Sunday 1:00pm to 6:00pm. The Bellevue Avenue Library hours are Monday 10:00am to 8:00pm, and Tuesday through Saturday 2:00 to 6:00pm. For more information, call (973) 744-0500, or visit