108 LoVe PlaYs for ToMorRoW
a new play by local playwright Mary Kelly,
WHEN: Sunday, March 15th, at 2:00 PM
WHERE: Arttank, 529 Bangs Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ.
TICKETS: $7 suggested donation.
For more information, log onto www.blackboxnj.org
108 LoVe PlaYs for ToMorRow is made up of 108 short vignettes that explore the absurd, the tragic, the comic, the dull, and the bizarre happenings of modern daily life.
Inspired by British playwright Caryl Churchill’s play Love and Information, which ran on Broadway last season, this play has thrown away the usual structures of written drama and instead focuses on the inarticulate art of daily conversation. “I really wanted to create a piece of theater that dealt with the conundrum of daily life in modern America,” says Kelly. “The form of the play was important to me. Most of life is not high drama. It is daily, routine conversations. And hidden in these simple conversations, we both hide and expose ourselves. I wanted to explore that terrain.”
“Mary is an extremely talented writer and director, with an eye for nontraditional forms and storytelling,” says Alexis Kozak, who runs Black Box’s New Play Initiative Monthly Reading Series. “This play is a real treasure. Hidden in these simple and smart vignettes are troublesome truths and hilarious insights into the human condition.”
Fellow writer Rich Quatrone likens the experience of this play as somewhat akin to looking at a pointillist painting. “You experience both the minute individual components and the overall effect of what the piece adds up to. She really gets inside this play intuitively,” says Quatrone.