Please join us for an enlightening program presented by the Rachel Coalition and the Temple B'nai Abraham Sisterhood. The program is an interactive workshop helping participants to understand firsthand what victims of domestic violence experience. Those who have attended the "In Her Shoes" program in the past have said that it is quite extraordinary. Do you ever wonder... - Why a woman stays in an abusive relationship?
- Why a woman makes the choices she does?
- ·How a woman copes?
This workshop will allow individuals to experience what a victim of domestic violence has to do once she decides to reach out for help. Participants will explore: - The challenges and frustrations experienced by women suffering from domestic violence.
- The community's response to domestic violence
"In Her Shoes" workshop will help participants understand, in a very compressed period of time, the ups and downs a victim of domestic violence experiences over the course of many years. Suzanne Weinick & Sandra Kantor, Sisterhood Co-Presidents |