WHEN: MAY 16, 3 PM – 9 PM
WHERE: Grove Street PATH plaza, Jersey City NJ
DeepJust Aquabeat
Music Master and world music funky grooves
drummers and instrumental musicians welcome to join in with the open jam
Plastiq Passion
an all girl punk melodica band NJ/NY metro based
WHEN: 7.30 PM
In the art tent Creative Grove presents
Greyegg and artistic inTENTions : Greyegg, AKA999, Keith McGee, Marci Pierce, City Kitty, Gabby Fay, Bludog10003, & Greg Dunn
curated by Greyegg McKenna
Paint an ART CAR with various artists and Uta Brauser, car by the Schwartz family
Find Jersey City's designers, artists and our local regional treasures at the market,
Meet neighbors and friends, enjoy the outdoor lounge environment that was introduced by Uta Brauser in 2009 to rethink and enjoy the public space.
The ART BAR serving creative drinks on the plaza, an artistic environment for drinks by Arts in Action, the non profit org behind Creative Grove.