WHEN: Sunday, May 18 – June 8
WHERE: The Rosen Theater @ the Wayne YMCA, 1 Pike Drive, Wayne NJ
TICKETS: Individual shows: $18 (advance); $25 (at the door)
Purchase the series of 8 for $100 each ticket will incur a $1 service fee
To buy tickets visit: http://www.metroymcas.org/waynetheater/jfest/
For more information: www.wayneymca.org or call 973.595.0100 x257
The Wayne YMCA is partnering with J-Fest to present 8 shows (children’s, musicals, plays and even a cabaret act) to delight and entertain you.
J-Fest is a community-based festival of Jewish arts and entertainment. By bringing the community together around issues of Jewish identity, history and culture, the festival will foster thought and discussion across all cultures and denominations.
by Hili Shali
produced by Yeladudes Theatre Company
WHEN: Sunday, May 18, 10:30 AM
Three Challahs is the children’s entry to J-Fest. Employing Hebrew and English, music, puppetry, and storytelling elements, Three Challahs teaches children ages 3-10 and their families about the mitzvah of sharing and the love of Shabbat. It manages to educate without being pedantic and entertain without talking down to its youthful audience.
Written and performed by Wendy Luck
WHEN: Tuesday, May 20, 7:30 PM
Created as part of Luck’s doctoral work, Aquatic Information presents the story of her grandmother's escape from Bolshevik Russia utilizing contemporary multimedia performance practices. Ms. Luck, a flautist, singer, and actress and comedienne, also employs audio recordings of her grandfather, a cantor, and video projections. She plays multiple roles and utilizes her myriad musical talents to create a performance ritual like none other.
Written and Performed by David and Paul Rigano
Produced by Festival Arts
WHEN: Thursday, May 22, 7:30 PM
Up-and-coming cabaret stars David and Paul Rigano occasionally refer to themselves as pizza bagels. Their mom, Rita, is of Italian extraction; their father Ron is Jewish. Growing up with their mother’s last name because their father's extended family disowned him, David and Paul nonetheless identify with their Jewish heritage. They have performed various Rigano Songbooks at famed New York cabaret venues like Don’t Tell Mama and The Duplex; J-Fest is proud to host the world premiere of their Jew-ish Edition. Mixing songs by the Rigano boys and stories from their lives with classic cabaret and musical theatre repertoire, this promises to be a fabulous, fun- filled show about the way secular Jews honor their cultural heritage.
Come celebrate the power of family
Written by Iris Burnett and Matty Selman
Produced by Iris Burnett
WHEN: Wednesday, May 28, 7:30 PM
A heartwarming original musical about family and tradition, The Gefilte Fish Chronicles is based on the award-winning PBS documentary. It tells the story of the Dubroff family, who gather year after year, through the generations, to prepare the Passover Seder and reminisce. The Gefilte Fish Chronicles could be my family’s story or yours; it’s the story of the American Jewish family experience, set to music. The piece is funny, touching, and heartwarming without being cloying, twee or playing heavily on stereotypes.
By Terri Klein
Produced by Hours Apart Productions
WHEN: Thursday, May 29, 7:30 PM
Martin and Steven are both on their way to the D'Angelo kid's bar mitzvah, when Steven is accidentally killed. Martin feels guilty. Steven can't find his way to the afterlife. Is there some Divine reason Steven's ghost is talking to Martin or is Martin going nuts? What Next is a comedy that leaves audiences questioning the world around them ('cause doesn't that sound like fun?).
Written and produced by Sue Fabisch
WHEN: Saturday, May 31, 8:00 PM
What’s the point of a Bar Mitzvah? Is it welcoming a young man into the community as an adult (even though, let’s face it, at thirteen nobody’s an adult) or is it about showing off to everyone you've ever met in your entire life? The family at the heart of David Michael Finklestein’s Bar Mitzvah may not have their priorities straight, but their hearts are in the right place. A hysterical, commercial musical.
By James Patrick Nelson
Produced by Zachary Perez
WHEN: Wednesday, June 4, 7:30 PM
Can you be another person’s fate? When Max and Joy meet unexpectedly one stormy night, a shocking revelation binds them together forever, as they teach each other how to hope, in the face of unimaginable obstacles. Loosely based on a true story, The Second Sun is an uncommon love story of endurance and survival.
A play by Matty Selman
Produced by Iris Burnett
WHEN: Sunday, June 8, 8:00 PM
Uncle Philip’s Coat is a one-man piece about Larry, actor’s, relationship with his now-deceased uncle. The black sheep of the family, Larry’s Uncle Philip was a colorful character.