What Exit? Theatre Company presents
The StrangeDog Eat Dog and Pony Show
A festival of manic comedies by Ben Clawson and rock and roll by Bern and The Brights and The MiCKS
WHEN: April 7, 8 & 9
WHERE: The Burgdorff Center for the Performing Arts 10 Durand Place, Maplewood
Tickets and showtimes are available at www.strangedogtheatre.com.
To explain the title — StrangeDog is a New Jersey-based collective of actors, directors, artists and designers, Dog Eat Dog is the supposition that the world is harsh, competitive and selfish place, and A Dog and Pony Show is a 19th century form of traveling entertainment.
Put ‘em all together and you’re left with The StrangeDog Eat Dog and Pony Show, a fast-paced and larger-than-life conglomerate of original plays, sketches, monologues and music.
The show is directed by Artem Yatsunov and stars some of StrangeDog’s favorite collaborators and co-conspirators.StrangeDog, one of North Jersey’s most ambitious young theater companies, is excited to meet you, Maplewood area—and hopes you’ll come check out their unique and bizarre blend of laughs, tunes and showmanship