
Thursday, March 10, 2011


Purim is a Jewish holiday where you are commanded to eat, drink and make merry. If you are looking for festivities for your family, look no further than the JCC on the Palisades:

Step Right Up to the

Rubach Family Purim Carnival

WHEN: Sunday, March 20, 1- 4 PM
Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, 411 E. Clinton Avenue, Tenafly

JCC-0023Bring your children in their favorite Purim costumes, where they will enjoy special time at the Rubach Family Purim Carnival, featuring life-size cartoon characters, train rides, junior bounce and other fun for pre-school children; moon bounce and double-slides for bigger kids; and games, prizes, food and cotton candy for all! A fabulous costume parade is scheduled for 3 PM.

Children with special needs and their families are welcome to come from 12–1 PM to enjoy games and booths, Purim crafts and other activities for a full hour of fun before the carnival opens to the general public!

JCC-0287Purim is celebrated annually to commemorate the deliverance of the Jewish people from being the victims of an evil decree against them. According to the Book of Esther, Haman, a royal adviser to King Ahasuerus, planned to kill the Jews, but his plans were foiled by Esther and the Jewish people were able to destroy their enemies, win their freedom and return to Jerusalem. Designated as a day of feasting and rejoicing, people honor the holiday by dressing in costumes and masks, giving to charity, and socializing in a spirit of public celebration.

JCC-0208Everyone in the community is invited to join the fun. Suggested entrance donation: $1 per person to be donated to the Center for Food Action. Teens, grades 7-12, interested in volunteering to run game booths, are welcome and will receive community service hours. Call Sara Lewis, 201.408.1469 to volunteer.

All ride & game tickets sold on $20 cards. Food available for purchase separately. For more information, please call 201.408.1484.

Other Purim events will be held during the week of Purim:

  • On Wednesday, March 16 at 8:15 PM, Rabbi Kimelman, the JCC Rabbi in Residence, will present a free Purim Seminar entitled: The Ethical Implications of the Demonization of Amalek.
  • On Saturday, March 26 at 8:30 PM, the Israel Connection will present The Kettle and the Broom, a musical (in Hebrew), that is part of the Israel Film and Culture Festival of the IPC. This musical relates nostalgic stories from the Tel Aviv theatre during the early 1900s. $30 JCC Members, $35 General