Calling all actors: here’s a chance to audition for a Seton Hall Student Thesis Film by adult student & former documentary filmmaker. No pay, but transportation and DV copy provided. Prefer local Maplewood/South Orange talent.
Directed by Karen Roche
WHEN:Wednesday, March 30, at 7 PM
Cold reading and short improv.
Call to confirm and for detailed directions, Karen Roche cell: 973.986.1408.
Auditions are being held for NOCTURNAL PLAY a HDV short film about a modern middle-aged mother charged with selling her dead parents’ home and being haunted by the ghost of her mother, a former classical pianist who committed suicide. The ghost (already cast) attempts through music to seduce the mother to remain (die) in the house. Woman’s old friend and free-spirited daughter are left to run interference.
Gothic themes, nightmares and atmospheric shots set the mood.
Shooting starts the week of April 3 in South Orange, mostly in the evening. April 6th will be the only full-day shoot. No more than 2 or 3 shoot days, all short in length.
- Lead: Charlotte mid- to late-40’s, single mother, former hippie/activist. Versatile actor, ranging from sane to almost losing her mind in grief from ghost of mother. Caucasian, brunette preferred.
- Maggie, friend of Charlotte’s, same age, also a mother and former activist. Empathetic and wise.
- Lily, Charlotte’s daughter, 18 -20 years old, has left home, independent, somewhat wild and angry, an anarchist. Preferably a musician, or singer, of contemporary music. Tattoos, & mod hairstyle preferred. Wiry, thin build.
- Young Charlotte, a girl of 9–11, with somber eyes somewhat similar in look to mature Charlotte. Caucasian.