February has some great doings at the West Orange Public Library. At a time when libraries are cutting back hours (some even closing altogether) as a result of budget cuts, WOPL soldiers on with interesting programs:
Winter Tales: Osebo's Drum Wednesday, February 2, at 7 PM Winter Tales is a series of monthly storytelling events for the whole family that takes place January through March at the Library. The February session of Winter Tales celebrates African-American heritage. Parents' Choice Award-winning storyteller, Robbi K presents the African folktale Osebo's Drum. Robbi K's spirited performance is sure to inspire the audience. Osebo's Drum is a humorous tale about a tiny turtle who uses clever thinking to succeed. This free program is appropriate for children in grades K-5. Advance registration is required. Sign up online at www.wopl.org. |
Meet Artist Bill Cofone Monday, February 7, at 7 PM Artist Bill Cofone's show "Essences" is on display through the end of the month in the Library. According to the artist, "Nothing lasts forever. Everything changes. Everything has an essence." It is the essence of his subjects...whether people, places or nature... that Cofone explores in his photographs and portraits. Cofone will discuss his work and answer your questions. "Essences" is brought to you through the Library's partnership with the West Orange Arts Council. The Arts Council will donate any proceeds from the sale of these works to the West Orange Food Bank. |
 Harlem in the 1920's: Lecture Thursday, February 10, at 7 PM The Library celebrates Black History Month with a lecture on the Harlem Renaissance. Many African-Americans migrated from the rural South to the urban North in the 1920s. African-American achievements in art, literature and music flourished during the 1920's and 1930's. This led to a flowering sense of community and empowerment among African-Americans that began in Harlem and spread throughout the nation. This period became known as the Harlem Renaissance. Dr. Lawrence Hogan will discuss this important cultural movement. Dr. Hogan is Senior Professor of History at Union County College. This program is made possible by a partnership with the NJ Horizons Speakers Bureau. Register for this free program online at www.wopl.org. Advance registration is required. |
Drop-In Family Storytime Wednesday, February 16, at 7 PM Bring the whole family to the Library and enjoy a half-hour of stories and a tasty treat. Appropriate for all ages. Sign-ups are not required—just drop in! |
Film & Dessert Friday, February 18, at 2 PM Enjoy an afternoon film screening at the Library. Light refreshments will be served. |
Spring Storytimes for Children Sign up begins February 22! Think spring! Our six-week spring storytime series begins on March 21. Storytimes feature books, songs, puppets and rhymes to help develop children's language and listening skills in a fun atmosphere. "Babies and Books" is for children under age 2, "Terrific Toddlers" is for ages 2 to 3 1/2, and "Preschool Page Turners" is for ages 3 1/2 to 5. "Eager Readers" for ages 5–9 includes games and crafts along with more complex stories. Registration is required. Sign up online for the sessions you'd like to attend. Monday nights are Teen Nights at the Library! They’ve planned lots of fun activities for students grades 6 to 12—everything from movies to Wii. All Teen Night programs run 7-8:30 PM.
February 21 - Teen Game Night February 28 - Chocolate Appreciation Night Teen Advisory Group (TAG): Wednesday, February 2, at 7:30-8:15 PM. Join TAG and help plan library events for teens! If you would like to joing TAG, click here for an application form. Read 'n Chat Book Discussion (grades 6-8): Wednesday, February 9, at 7:30-8:15 PM. They'll discuss the book Kayla Chronicles by Sherri Winston . Talk It Up! Book Discussion (grades 9-12): Wednesday, February 23, at 7:30-8:15 PM. Join in the discussion of the book Airhead by Meg Cabot. |